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What does & doesn’t define US!

“Your past doesn’t determine who you are, it prepares you for who you are to become!”

We live in a fabricated virtual world these days! Well at least most of us!

Who has traveled where, what materialistic possessions does a friend own, who has had a fancy meal, everything is updated online via Stories or Feed and now Reels!

But do these factors define us?

What we are not defined by :

What is my opinion of you?? Is that our problem! Our concern is how we see ourselves. We need to self – introspect and see where we stand in our own eyes. Not a biased flowery one but a true picture.

Weighing in Our Weight!! Underweight or Overweight … we will never be perfect in the eyes of people. Someone is too thin, someone is too fat, someone has a tummy, someone has flabby arms, someone has heavier thighs, one is never just right! Does that define us, NO! As long as we are fit and happy with ourselves, we don’t need to bother about others impressions!

Good Ol Grades!! Do you remember that friend in school or your cousin who always got better grades than you and you never heard the end of it from your mother? When neighbors or relatives came prying on the result day to show off their child got better marks than you! But, what is the situation today?? Is that person more successful or happier than you are? Do grades define how our lives are shaped? We need to be happy and content… to be successful not depend on grades for it! Giving your child the support, confidence and trust in you as a parent is more important than asking them to be an ace in studies and feel suffocated within.

Age!!! Is just a number….whatever the number, you are as young as you feel yourself to be! There is no age to accomplish anything your heart desires. You want to complete law at 50, you want to learn salsa at 65, you want to get married at 70, you want to have babies at 40! Well, it is what you want that will make you happy not the numbers in your age. So please don’t let the numbers define what you want to be.

The faith we believe in…. No matter what faith we believe in, end of the day the most important thing is we are humans and its only humanity that counts and not which faith we belong to, not who we worship or don’t worship. That is solely our decision and in no way is how we should be defined.

Followers & Likes! The most trending words these days, if you ask me this is the most relevant pointer in today’s times. The number of social media followers, or likes on your post! Does that define anyone??? How can it event be a criteria, wistfully it is the truth! Seeking attention from strangers or virtual friends gives us fictitious pleasure. Our friends and family who are our true well wishers and will stand by us thru thick n thin are more valuable than any acquaintance who knows nothing about us or our situation who is just liking our post.

Of course we do not need a definition as we are all successful in our own right, and have accomplished most of what we had set out to do…. Even if we are stay at home moms, or a career oriented women, an artist, or just a content soul….. No matter what, you are an achiever! It is not one part of any aspect that defines us, it is a journey….

Still, What does define us is…

How many people smiled because of us today?

How compassionate are we?

How considerate have we been towards someone’s difficult situation?

How firmly do we believe in ourselves, how sure are we about ourselves to take on the world with a strong mind?

Do we ignore the people who truly love us?

How capable we are to hold someone’s hand and uplift them?

Our struggles, and how we used them as stepping stones and not as a demotivator.

Let us not be defined by the rulebook, let us make our own rules! Own rules of contentment, happiness and prosperity!

More power to us!

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