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Swing the Solo Way!

“The goal of my life is to tie adventure to my feet, stock memories in my pocket, hold imagination in my palms like fairy dust and sprinkle it on my tales.”

You want a beach holiday, but your partner wants the hills!

You want adrenaline while your companion seeks luxury!

You want art & culture while all your ally is looking for, is to laze around! 

You want to eat local while your buddy seeks solace in Indian cuisine… 


You keep waiting months on end if not more for your kind of vacation. Where, You call the shots!! 


When you ponder on going Solo for your next holiday, The first question would usually always be – Why do you want this Solo Trip?


Your answers would be –

  1. Need “me” time from my madness of a routine.
  2. I need to find myself 
  3. I want to explore at My will, without the preferences of friends and family
  4. I want to explore and see where this takes me and what it does to me!


When you have finally taken the decision, the next step is identifying the destination, as a solo traveller, your first priority will always remain Safety! However, activities, weather, and vibe, all do play an important role as well. What YOU want, matters! 

How does one, even begin when planning a solo trip? All the unavoidable questions – How’s, What’s, If’s will float! However, when the inspiration for the bucket list hits, you know it’s time to roll! 


Checking the best weather to go is also equally important.  Hotels which are women-friendly or centrally located are your best bets. 


The most underrated part of travel would be the Insurance. We often underestimate the importance and how useful it can be, while actually, it should be non-negotiable for any traveller.. It is a secure feeling to know, someone has your back to foot the bills in case of any delays, baggage loss or illness in a foreign land. 

An absolutely valuable asset is Pack Light! The benefits are numerous, no waiting for bags, no sweat of lugging heavy stuff on the stairs or walking thru subways or trains. It pays to pack light!

When I started travelling alone I would be rather reserved, kept to myself, and didn’t venture out too much, over time it got easier, and I loved the freedom that came along, no one to answer to, no routine to follow, I decide, what to do, where to eat, what to see! It is liberating! 

The key to a good holiday especially solo is to start early! I know it can be a bummer for some, but you can actually skip a whole lot of crowds, get the morning sunshine for those sun kissed pictures, and beat the traffic hours! 

‘Dolce Far Niente’ – the sweetness of doing nothing! Sometimes just sitting at a coffee shop and people-watching or reading a book can be therapeutic! Or chatting up with locals, getting information on hole-in-the-wall places is an added bonus. 

Music or a book, while travelling can actually be great companions. These days you have audiobooks too, and podcasts that catch your attention and are great company for solo travellers during some free time. 

Partying the night away, while on a solo trip can be great. But a personal advice would be to fix your own drinks or at least in front of you and to ensure you don’t get high! Stay as sober as possible and enjoy the clubs and pub crawl.

Solo Travel can be addictive, and you may want to make a pact with yourself to do more! You may become fearless, confident, patient and calmer than you already are!

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